Monday, May 16, 2016

When .gitignore is not working (git status is showing files to be ignored)

The issue:
# git status keep showing files that already been added to .gitignore


The Story:
# git check-ignore -v test.txt doesn't return anything
# ==> which means .gitignore is not working
# This answer suggests that maybe it caused by encoding issue thus git cannot handle the .gitignore correctly.
# Open .gitnore using Notepad++, Verify the encoder, and go to menu Encoding, Convert to UTF-8-BOM.
# git status, TA-DA!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Run unit tests in parallel

quick review:
# Create test settings file is not exists
# Open in XML Editor
# add parallelTestCount attribute in Execution
attribute not specified = 1 CPU/Core used (default) 
0 = Auto configure: We will use as many tests as we can based on your CPU and core count 
n = The number n of tests to run in parallel to use (if you do not want to use all of your CPU/cores)

Friday, May 6, 2016

80% of your company's culture will be defined by its core leaders.

A very good one

80% of your company's culture will be defined by its core leaders.
And this is how Mark Zuckerberg defined himself and the "one of us" as well.
  • A very high IQ
  • Strong sense of purpose
  • Relentless focus on success
  • Aggressive and competitive
  • High quality bar, bordering on perfectionism
  • Likes changing and disrupting things
  • New ideas on how to do things better
  • High integrity
  • Surrounds themselves with good people
  • Cares about building real value over perceived value